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Newton County Sheriff's Report

Sandi Saulsbury

December 11, 2023

Released by:  Sheriff Robert Burby  


Calls To Services (December 4, 2023, to December 10, 2023): 

The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 58 calls to service.

Jail Transports:

Newton County had 4 jail transports;

1 from JCSO to NCSO, 3 to Dr Appointments.

Jail Population:  

We currently have 28 inmates in the following jails;

22 are housed in Newton, and 6 are housed in Jasper. We are still waiting for approval to transport our inmate overflow to Beauregard Parish Jail. We anticipate this in the near future.

The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:

Watson, Burnis Ledaruis 12/07/23 MA Probation Violation (Assault Cause SBI)

Mudd, Bethany 12/07/23 MC Public Intoxication

Moore, Jimmy Earl Jr 12/10/23 F2 Poss CS PG 1/1-B >=4G<200G

The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:  

Bon Wier: Suspicious Activity, Animal Rescue, Disturbance

Deweyville: Burglary, Officer Assist x2, Suspicious Activity x4, Reckless Driving, Disturbance, Theft, Civil Matter, Assault

Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Disturbance, Assault, Suspicious Activity, Theft x2, Traffic Hazard

Bleakwood: Assault, Officer Assist, Traffic Hazard

Kirbyville: Criminal Mischief

Burkeville: Officer Assist x2, Theft, Reckless Driving, Animal Nuisance

Pine Grove: Welfare Concern, Suspicious Activity x2, Harassment

Trout Creek: Officer Assist, Reckless Driving, Harassment, Traffic Hazard

Jamestown: Harassment, Welfare Concern

Call: Animal Nuisance, Fraud, Officer Assist

Liberty: Mental Health

Buckhorn: Extra Patrol

Wiergate: Welfare Concern, Officer Assist

Toledo Bend: Officer Assist, Suspicious Activity

Fawil: Disturbance x2, Animal Nuisance

Sandjack: Animal Bite

Gist: Suspicious Activity x2

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