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Lake Rayburn Volunteer Fire Department honor three who are making a difference

Information and photos courtesy of LRVFD

The heart of Lake Rayburn Volunteer Fire Department is our people. Meet three young adults who are the future. Brett Clark completed the Jasper Co. Emergency Services District 4 adult fire academy last spring. Now he is a professional firefighter with Caney Creek Fire in Montgomery Co. Hunter Hightower completed the LIT fire academy in December. He is currently enrolled in an Emergency Medical Technician academy. Jake Bennett is a senior at Brookeland High School. He is enrolled in the ESD4 dual credit high school fire academy at the Deep East Texas College and Career Center. Any of our members can can enroll in fire or emergency medical training with all tuition, fees, and books covered. And they bring all that training back to our department and our community.

Our annual chili supper is February 3. Save the date.

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