Newton County Sheriff Report

Weekly Sheriff’s Report
March 11, 2024
Released by: Sheriff Robert Burby
Calls To Service (March 4, 2024, to March 10, 2024): The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 58 calls to service.
Jail Transports: NCSO had 2 jail transports;
1 from Beauregard to NCSO, 1 from JCSO to Dr. Appointment.
Jail Population: We currently have 27 inmates in the following jails;
13 housed in Newton, 8 housed in Beauregard, and 6 housed in Jasper.
The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:
Graham,James Ronnie 03/04/24 F3 Evading Arrest Det w/ Veh
Sunday,Marvin Allen Jr 03/05/24 MC Public Intoxication
The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:
Bon Wier: Animal Nuisance, Mental Health
Deweyville: Officer Assist x 3, Theft of Timber, Welfare Concern, Alarm, Theft, Civil Matter x 2, Disturbance, Reckless Driving
Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Officer Assist x 3, 911 Hangup, Disturbance, Civil Matter
Burkeville: Control Burn, Harassment
Call: Welfare Concern x 5, Harassment, Extra Patrol x 3, Officer Assist
Toledo Bend: Theft
Old Salem: Suspicious Activity
Liberty: Theft, Welfare Concern
Trout Creek: Cruelty to Animals, Public Intoxication, Officer Assist, Civil Matter, Accident, Trespassing
Buckhorn: Noise Complaint
Jamestown: Animal Nuisance
Wiergate: Alarm, Reckless Driving, Officer Assist
Pine Grove: Officer Assist x 2, Disturbance, Reckless Driving
Kirbyville: Officer Assist, Welfare Concern
Old Champion: Animal Bite
Bleakwood: Animal Nuisance x 2, Theft, Disturbance
Singletary Sites: Officer Assist