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Tyler County teen died Friday at a Warren convenience store

Sandi Saulsbury

September 8, 2023

At around 3:40 p.m. Friday, Tyler County dispatch received a call requesting an ambulance to respond to the Warren Exxpress Mart.

Allegiance Ambulance Service, Texas Department of Public Safety, Tyler County Sheriff's Department, and Warren ISD Police Officers responded. Once they arrived, they found an unresponsive 16-year-old male from Warren was already being administered CPR.

The unidentified teen was transferred to the Tyler County Hospital, where he was pronounced dead by Justice of the Peace Ken Jobe. Judge Jobe has ordered an autopsy which will be conducted in Beaumont.

While speaking with several witnesses on the scene, Officers discovered a small amount of marijuana on 21-year-old Devon Yeagin, also of Warren. Yeagin was arrested and taken to the Tyler County Jail. Jobe set Yeagin's bond at $1,000. The marijuana will be sent to the DPS lab for a complete analysis.

Tyler County Sheriff Bryan Weatherford said, "As the investigation continues, Investigators will be collecting evidence and are awaiting the autopsy results. The Tyler County Sheriff's Department will continue to work closely with District Attorney Lucas Babin during this investigation".

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