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Truck fire could have been so much worse had it not been for passing LRVFD fireman

Sandi Saulsbury

Lake Rayburn Volunteer Fire Fighters extinguished a pickup truck in front of Solleys on US 96 Saturday evening. In a simple Facebook post they said that they responded with 3 apparatus and 15 firefighters. The thing is, those who do the most rarely receive the accolades they deserve. But this time, they have.

In a second Facebook post, Heather Cartee who worked at Solleys last night explained what happened and pointed out that very often, firefighters do go above and beyond the call of duty to help the public.

Her post follows in its entirety;


When this gentleman pulled up this evening, I KNEW it wasn't just some spilled oil on his engine, like he thought. I immediately alerted Hayat and Z that something was definitely burning and they went to take a look while I handled a customer at the counter. Z agreed and less than 2 minutes later, Hayat was calling 911 and Z was headed out the door again with the fire extinguishers. In less than 4 minutes the fire was blazing.

A volunteer firefighter, John Dial (with his family in tow), pulled over when he saw the flames to help. The dispatch for help had just gone out over the radios to the fire department.

With smoke filling the building, John came in and got everyone out, myself being the last. It was then thanks to John Dial's quick thinking that he called a friend that was close and they ran up to the truck with a line to put on the hitch and they yanked the truck away from the building before it went up in flames. The water trucks showed up shortly after and they were able to get the flames under control and eventually put out.

The truck was unfortunately beyond saving, the customers, whose name I did not get, he is safe and his wife came out to get him. Thankfully, no one was injured and the Rayburn Fire Department and their volunteers saved the night.

Thank you again to John Dial, Kevin, Brett, and Kurt Holloway, Jeff Nuke Newcomb, the Rayburn Fire Department, and every volunteer firefighter that came out tonight and helped. A special thanks to the man that showed up to yanked the truck away from the building, and to John, again, for calling him.

Images courtesy of ETB Sharpshooter Heather Cartee and Lake Rayburn Volunteer Fire Department

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