Should City Officials be compensated for their positions?

Jasper Mayor Anderson Land
Should City officials be compensated for their positions? Not just an annual stipend for gas and minor expenditures, but at least a modest salary each month to make ends meet. Few would disagree. After all, City Judges are paid, City managers, County Commissioners, among others all receive a salary. This is a question that Jasper City Mayor Anderson Land is asking.
According to Land, years ago the positions of Mayor and City Council did receive a small compensation for their services. "It may not have been more than $300 or so, but I'm sure it helped. I don't think it's asking too much considering how many hours we spend going to events, representing the City, and getting things done." But on November 7th, 2000, Land explained, " The voters, via a Special Election proposed a Special Charter Amendment Election do away with salaries. I don't know why, only that it was done. There's no reason we shouldn't be compensated."

Lands proposal is simple. $1,000 a month for the Mayoral position, and $500 for the position of each City Council member.
Land has drafted a petition that would require only 150 signatures to bring it before the City Council. When it is approved, it will be placed on the upcoming ballot for the May 3rd 2025 election for the public to decide.
Land has released the following statement regarding the matter addressed to the Citizens of Jasper:
To the City of Jasper, Texas citizens, and registered voters, I, Mayor Anderson M. Land Jr. submit to you the attached petition, according to the following:
Under Article VII. Legislation By the People: Initiative and Referendum. Sec. 7.02 Initiative and Sec. 7.03 Referendum.
Amend Article III. The City Council Sec. 3.04 Compensation of the Charter of the City of Jasper to provide as follows:
The Mayor shall receive $1000.00 a month in compensation for serving in his/her capacity in
the City of Jasper.
Amend Article III. The City Council Sec. 3.04 Compensation of the Charter of the City of Jasper to provide as follows:
The City Council members shall receive $500.00 a month in compensation for serving in their
capacity in the city of Jasper.
In the past, the Mayor and City Council did get paid, before a Special Charter Amendment Election held on November 7, 2000, twenty-four years ago, and passed to not compensate the Mayor and City Council.
Twenty-four years later it is time to bring back the compensation for the Mayor and City Council
Talking with the citizens and voters daily and hearing comments like, “You guys don’t get paid enough for what you do.” Imagine the surprise and shock for them to hear that we do not get paid. Then the people tell me how crazy that is to do it for nothing because they would not (do it) for nothing. Then, people ask what they can do about it?
So, this is what you the voters can do about it. Read, and sign the petition to put it on the ballot and let you the citizens and voters of the City of Jasper Texas decide if you want your city officials to be
Ask yourself this question, would you be the Mayor or a City Council Member in the City of Jasper, Texas for no compensation?
I appreciate your support,
Anderson M. Land Jr, Mayor of the City of Jasper