Sheriff Burby's Weekly Report

Weekly Sheriff’s Report
July 3, 2023
Released by: Sheriff Robert Burby
Calls To Services (June 25, 2023, to July 2, 2023): The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 53 calls to service.
Jail Population: We currently have 28 inmates in the following Jails, 17 housed in Newton; 10 housed in Jasper and 1 in Hardin County.
COMMUNITY WATCH MEETING: Our next meeting is on July 20, 2023, at 7p.m at Hughes Outreach Center at 10602 Hwy 190 East in Bon Wier.
UNIFORMED PATOL: We worked extra duty Deputies due to the holiday weekend firework displays at Toledo Bend and Trout Creek.
The following 7 individuals were booked into Newton County Jail:
Maricle, Jerry Lee 6/25/2023 MB Terroristic Threat Cause Fear of Imminent SBI F Pos Controlled Sub (Orange Co.)
Spears, Shelly Lynnea 6/27/2023 MB Driving While Intoxicated
Nolan, Michael Ryan 6/27/2023 MC Public Intoxication
Shaw, Henry Eldredge Jr. 6/27/2023 F2 Agg Assault W/Deadly Weapon
Peterson, William Joseph IV 6/28/2023 F1 Inj Child/Elderly/Disabled w/int SBI/Mental Sims, Cody Michael 6/30/2023 M Probation Violation
David, Jaron 7/01/2023 FS Bond Forfeiture/Poss C/S