Newton County Sheriff's Report

October 23, 2023
By Sheriff Robert Burby
Calls To Services (October 16, 2023, to October 22, 2023):
The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 73 calls to service. Jail Population: We currently have 23 inmates in the following Jails, 14 housed in Newton,
9 housed in Jasper.
THE BURN BAN FOR NEWTON COUNTY IS STILL IN EFFECT: Citations shall be issued to anyone found in violation of the Burn Ban.
The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:
McCain, De Rodney Oneal 10/17/2023 F3 Assault of Pregnant Person
F Probation Violation (Burglary of Hab)
Hamilton, Jarryien Joseph R. 10/18/2023 FS Unauth Use of a Vehicle
F3 Evading Arrest Det /Veh
Richard, Kimberly June 10/19/2023 F Bench Warrant (TDC)
The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:
Bon Wier: Illegal Dumping of Trash, Trespassing, Theft, Welfare Concern, Suspicious Activity, Assault Family Violence
Deweyville: Suspicious Activity (person), Information Assist, Disturbance/Verbal, Disturbance, Extra Patrol Request, Fire, Disturbance, Reckless Driving/Pursuit out of Orange County S.O., Reckless Driving out of Calcasieu Parish, False Alarm
Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Animal Nuisance, Fraud, Assault-Simple, Information
Orange: Welfare Concern, False Alarm
Bleakwood: Fire, Office Assist w/info., Fire, Fire (False Alarm), Suspicious Activity, Assault Family Violence, Traffic Hazard, Theft/Information, Traffic Hazard, Civil Matter
Burkeville: Welfare Concern, Disturbance, Theft (ATV Park)
Sunset Acres: Trespassing
Toledo Bend: Officer Assist
Pine Grove: Trespassing/Susp Person, Burn Ban Violation Reported (False)
Trout Creek: Disturbance
Call: Animal Nuisance (X3), Welfare Concern, Theft, Information, Disturbance
Kirbyville: Assault, Information
Devil’s Pocket: Fire Burning in Barrel, Someone Burning in Their Yard
Old Salem: Reckless Driving
Jamestown: Animal Nuisance
Gist: Fire, Trespassing
Wiergate: Suspicious Activity
Farrsville: Animal Nuisance, Civil Mater
Buckhorn: Animal Nuisance
Singleterry Sites: Suspicious Activity (X2)
Herrels: Medical Assistance, Disturbance