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Newton County Sheriff's Report

Sandi Saulsbury

Weekly Sheriff’s Report

October 15, 2024

Released by:  Sheriff Robert Burby 

Calls To Service (October 7, 2024, to October 14, 2024):  The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 52 calls to service.

Jail Population:   We currently have 15 inmates in the following jails;

10 housed in Newton, 2 housed in Beauregard, and 3 housed in Jasper.

The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:

Williams, Justin Clay 10/08/2024 F3 Evading Arrest Det W/Veh

FS Bond Forfeiture (Theft of Firearm)

MA Bond Forfeiture (Unlaw Carry) Polk Co. S.O.

Jackson, Destin Trevon 10/09/2024 MA MTRP (Burg of Vehicles)

Salter, Charla Faye 10/14/2024 MA Assault Causes Bodily Injury Family Member

MB False Stmnt to PO/SP INV/LAW Enf

Biscamp, Heather 10/11/2024 F2 Agg Asslt w/Deadly Weapon

The following calls and reports were received by NCSO: 

Buckhorn: Hang-up/disconnect, suspicious Activity, Deadly Conduct (Gunshots reported),

Trout Creek: Suspicious Activity (Gunshots), Suspicious Activity/Vehicle,

Bon Wier: Truck speeding down on CR 4031, animal Nuisance,

Wiergate: Information/Threat/Extra Patrol

Pine Grove: Theft

Deweyville: Disturbance In-progress (domestic); Welfare Concern, Burglary of A Non-residence, Reckless Driving, Threats, Information/Harassment,

Newton (Unincorporated Limits: Animal Nuisance, Follow-up/Case Inquiry, Disturbance, Theft, False Alarm, Disturbance

Toledo Bend: Fatality Accident (Side-by-Side) See DPS Press Release; Suspicious Activity, Loud Music,

Burkeville: False Alarm, Animal Nuisance

River Oaks: Suspicious Vehicle parked behind property

Sunset Acres: Extra Patrol, 4-wheeler call

Liberty: Accident/Possible (False Alarm)

Pine Grove: False Alarm

Bleakwood: Suspicious Activity

Kirbyville: Traffic Hazard

Orange: Deadly Conduct

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