Newton County Sheriff's Report
September 25, 2023

Released by: Sheriff Robert Burby
Calls To Services (September 18, 2023, to September 24, 2023): The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 58 calls to service.
Jail Transports:
NCSO made 2 transports. 1 Transport from JCSO to NCSO, 1 transport from JCSO to JMH.
Jail Population: We currently have 21 inmates in the following Jails, 13 housed in Newton, 8 housed in Jasper.
Neighborhood Watch Meeting in Bon Wier on September 28th, 2023, at 6 p.m.,
Location: Bon Wier Baptist Church – “Sign Dedication”
The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:
Brooks, Terry Lewis Jr. 9/21/2023 F* Parole Violation (Burglary of Hab)
Tovar, Johnny Lee Jr. 9/21/2023 MA Poss CS PG 3<28G
McBride, William Daundre 9/20/2023 F3 Prob Viol (Proh Substance in Jail) San Jacinto Co.
Arrant, Whitney Renay 9/22/2023 MA Assault Causes Bodily Injury Family Member
The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:
Deweyville: Criminal Mischief, Cruelty to Animals, Animal Nuisance (Lose Horse), Theft, Trespassing, Disturbance, Traffic Hazard, Robbery, Extra Patrol, Welfare Concern x 2, Follow-up, Mental Health, Officer Assist/Stolen Property, Reckless Driving
Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Disturbance, Theft, Animal Nuisance, Suspicious Activity, Officer Assist x 2, Animal Nuisance
Bleakwood: Animal Nuisance x 3, Officer Assist
Burkeville: Missing Person (located)
Bon Wier: Officer Assist, Civil Disturbance, Noise Complaint, Illegal Dumping, Terroristic Threat
Wiergate: Officer Assist, Welfare Concern, Burglary
Toledo Bend: Traffic Hazard, Trespassing, Disturbance
Gist: Extra Patrol, Welfare Concern
Buna: Officer Assist
Jamestown: Animal Nuisance (Lose Horses on the Roadway), Officer Assist Other Agency
Pine Grove: Reckless Driving
Orange: Officer Assist
Trout Creek: Officer Assist, Noise Complaint, Suspicious Activity
Hartburg: Animal Nuisance
Call: Animal Nuisance x 2, Reckless Driving
Mayflower: Officer Assist
Sandjack: Officer Assist