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Newton County Senior Citizens - BINGO - October 6th

Newton County Senior Citizens Association monthly meeting was September 1 at the Senior Citizen/Nutritional Center. Guest speaker was Sandy Cobb, Nutritional Services Program Administrator. Her topic was how to register for the Newton County Emergency Alert system (Genasys). Genasys will alert you by phone, text and/or email about any emergency situation such as a tornado, major fire, hurricane, etc.. To register go to the Newton County website at the bottom look for the Genasys Emergency notification system. Click on the link to the system to register.

The next meeting will be Friday October 6 at 10:30. Guest speaker will be Terri Woods, Newton County History Center and Museum Historical Clerk.

Bingo after lunch by Harbor Hospice

Public is welcomed.

Submitted by

Kathy Knighton, Publicity Chair

Newton County Senior Citizens Association


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