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Newton Co. Weekly Sheriff’s Report

Sandi Saulsbury

November 13, 2023

By:  Sheriff Robert Burby  

Calls To Services (November 6, 2023, to November 12, 2023): 

The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 59 calls to service.

Jail Transports:

Newton County had 2 jail transports.

1 from NCSO to JCSO, 1 from JCSO to NCSO

Jail Population:   We currently have 25 inmates in the following Jails; 17 are housed in Newton, and 8 are housed in Jasper.

SEX OFFENDER ARREST: This is a prime example of “see something, say

something.” Newton County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a known sex offender who was seen in Burkeville on November 1, 2023. The individual, Donald Ray Slaney, was also seen in Burkeville by our Deputies after receiving the reports.

Preliminary investigation revealed that Slaney is in fact a registered sex offender whose address is in Jasper County. According to the record, it is his responsibility to notify the Sheriff’s Office if he is in the same location longer than 7 days. He did not leave the area, nor did he notify us that a change of address was required.

He was arrested and charged with “Failure to Comply Sex Offender Duty to Register” and is currently in jail with a $40,000.00 bond.

The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:

Lopez, Beau Dustin 11/06/23 MC Public Intoxication

Watson, Burnis Ledarius 11/06/23 F1 Agg Assault Date/Family/House w/Weapon SBI

Barlow, Charles Edward 11/07/23 F1 Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity F1 Engage Org Crim Activity Use/Exhbt Deadly Weapon

Harris, Brian Keith 11/07/23 F1 Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity

F1 Engage Org Crim Activity Use/Exhibit Deadly Weapon

Bourgeois, Steven Sr 11/07/23 F1 Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity F1 Engage Org Crim Activity Use/Exhibit Deadly Weapon

MA Poss CS PG 2A (Jefferson County) MA Poss CS PG 3 (Jefferson County)

Bourgeois, Jaqorian Oshae 11/07/23 F1 Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity F1 Engage Org Crim Activity Use/Exhibit Deadly Weapon

Harris, Terry Lee 11/07/23 F1 Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity

F1 Engage Org Crim Activity Use/Exhbt Deadly Weapon

Williams, Justin Clay 11/07/23 MA Evading Arrest Detention

Slaney, Donald Ray 11/09/23 F2 Fail to Comply Sex Off Duty to Reg Life/90 Day

The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:  

Bon Wier: Suspicious Activity x6, Theft, Disturbance, Trespassing, Welfare Concern, Animal Nuisance

Deweyville: Suspicious Activity, Extra Patrol x3, Officer Assist, Burning During Burn Ban (Citation Issued), Reckless Driving, Lost Property/Firearm

Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Theft of Vehicle, Trespassing, Reckless Driving

Bleakwood: Welfare Concern

Burkeville: Fraud, Civil Matter, Animal Nuisance, Burglary, Trespassing, Suspicious Activity, Suspicious Activity, Noise Complaint, Sex Offender Arrest

Pine Grove: Reckless Driving, Burning During Burn Ban (Citation Issued)

Trout Creek: Officer Assist

Hartburg: Theft, Animal Nuisance

Jamestown: Officer Assist

Mayflower: Theft

Toledo Bend: Extra Patrol, Officer Assist

Call: Officer Assist, Found Property, Assault Family Violence, Noise Complaint, Animal Nuisance, Assault

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