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“Michalsky Hall” to be Unveiled - October 28th

J Sharp

Come celebrate Anthony Michalsky on Saturday October 28th at 2 pm in the Buna High School Cafeteria! The school board approved renaming the Choir and Band wing of BHS “Michalsky Hall,” and a plaque honoring Mr. Michalsky will be unveiled. The plaque and donor list will be symbols of gratitude for his contributions to our community. Join us for the ribbon cutting, refreshments and band memorabilia – including a slide show of BHS Band pics from the 1960s through 2007. This is a great way to thank the man who gave a big band to our small town.


If you’d like to make a contribution for the plaque, Michalsky Band Alumni Association has a Venmo account at Chase Bank (@gaylemoak-mbaa) or contact Gayle Petty Moak via Messenger or text at 318-347-1431.

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