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Larkin has been missing two years today, "I don't know anymore today than I did when he first disappeared"

Sandi Saulsbury

It's one of every parents worst nightmares. Their child disappears with absolutely no leads as to their whereabouts.

Beverly Larkin of Kirbyville has been living that nightmare for two years now. Her son, Josh Larkin simply disappeared on November 17, 2022. Today, she went to Facebook in an attempt to raise awareness and put her son's name and information in the public eye once again.

Below is her post in its entirety.



Today is November 17, 2024. It's been exactly 2 years to the day since JOSH disappeared. I don't know anymore today than I did when he first disappeared. The authorities tell me they are working on the case but yet I get no answers about bringing my son home.

We do not live in a large area. The community we live in is about 2300 people and the community he disappeared in is much smaller. I could maybe understand if we lived in Houston, Dallas or some other large city, but we don't. So why don't we have answers.

JOSH deserves better than this. He has a Mother, a wife, sisters, children and several other family members and friends that care for him. The authorities say with so much time passing that foul play was probably involved. If this is the case get off your A$$ and do your job. This is a nightmare that no Mother should have to endure. His children need answers. Keep Josh and his family in your Prayers.


If anyone has any information, please call the Newton County Sheriff's Department at 409-379-3636. You do not have to give your name.

Josh and his truck that he was driving that day

This is the only tattoo Josh has and it stretches across his back

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