Jasper Hospital District provides Automated External Defribrillators at no cost to public entities
Release from the Jasper Hospital District
The Jasper Hospital District continues our effort of providing automated external defibrillators (AED) at no cost to local entities so they may be placed in public locations, such as government buildings, churches, schools, and other community spaces.
Earlier this week Jasper Hospital District Vice-President Rodney Norsworthy presented an AED to Faith Temple Church of God in Christ in Jasper.
An AED is a portable device that can treat a person whose heart has suddenly stopped working. This condition is called sudden cardiac arrest. Nine out of ten sudden cardiac arrest victims who receive a shock from an AED in the first minute live.
The Jasper Hospital District provides these AED’s in an effort to promote greater access to these devices to save the lives of those who suffer from sudden cardiac arrest.
To date, nearly forty devices have been distributed to public locations within the district, at an investment of almost $50,000. More are budgeted to be purchased and distributed in fiscal year 24/25.
In addition, the Jasper Hospital District is providing CPR and AED training to the same local entities. This training is taught by Billy Adams Jr.
Thank you to the parishioners of the Faith Temple Church of God in Christ and Pastor Ray Charles Lewis for training to save lives in our community!

Photos and information credited to the Jasper Hospital District