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Jasper "forecasted to add 1100 jobs over the next few years" Texas Workforce Solutions Executive Director Mark Durand

J Sharp

Jasper Economic Development Corporation held their monthly meeting for September discussing a few housekeeping items along with the 2024-2025 proposed operating budget.

Texas Workforce Solutions Executive Director, Mark Durand, addressed the board during the public comment section of the evening. Durand stated, “Even though the census is showing a decline, forecasting shows that the Jasper Region is poised to grow 1,100 jobs over the next few years.”

Board member Ronnie Sample asked for an update concerning Provalus. Sample asked if JEDCO would be handing over the building, to Provalus, in 2025. JEDCO Executive Director, Eddie Hopkins, stated that JEDCO will be deeding the property to Provalus as per the agreement. Sample went on to ask about the number of employees, tax records, W-2 and 1040s. Hopkins replied by stating, “Before we dispersed any funds to them… regarding their economic requirements based on employment, those were taken care of.”

Hopkins reported that JEDCO will have a balanced budget for the upcoming year. During discussions JEDCO President, Danny Walker, stated that Hopkins did not include himself in the 3% cost of living increase that was given to Jasper employees. Walker went on to point out that Hopkins made sure JEDCO Executive Assistant, Sam Mathews, would receive his raise. JEDCO board member, Tressi Morgan, made the motion to include Hopkins in the 3% raise which was seconded by Chris Lanier. The board finalized the decision with a unanimous vote to give the executive director the cost-of-living increase. Hopkins spoke up in lieu of the vote saying, “I will make sure we will still have a balanced budget.”  

Provalus Delivery Leader, Jamal Jackson, reported in last month’s meeting that since 2019 Provalus has facilitated $8,000,000 back into the local economy. Jackson also stated that Provalus is currently looking to expand by increasing 100 more jobs for Jasper.  

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