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UPDATED: Jasper County's first day sans the burn ban and local departments have been jumping!

The Jasper County Burn Ban expired this morning at 12:00 a.m. and the first day has already been a very busy one for local fire departments.

Kirbyville Volunteer Fire Chief Greg Ellis said today, "Already Buna has had three grass or woods fires, Kirbyville has had two so far and Jasper has had several in fact they are out on one right now. Really, I just want to tell the public, that if they DON'T have to burn don't do it. It's been lying there this long, a little longer won't hurt a thing. Might save their property or their neighbors."

Jasper County Judge Mark Allen said, " I've been in contact with the Kirbyville and Buna Fire Chiefs. Although the Court has allowed the declaration of a disaster and countywide burn ban to expire, everybody needs to realize that this does not mean that it is safe to burn in just any circumstance".

Allen continued, "Everybody should be aware of their surroundings when burning and monitor the wind speed and direction as well as the dry vegetation around where they are burning. They should not burn anywhere near woodlines and have a water source nearby for a situation whereby the fire begins to grow beyond their control.

Additionally, don't try to burn everything all at once. I know that we all have large brush piles, household cardboard boxes, feed sacks, etc. stacked up, but that does not mean that it all needs to be burned all at once. Slowly feed a fire and keep it manageable. And finally, do not leave a fire unattended. Stay with it and monitor it until it has been fully extinguished".

At 11:33 this morning, Kirbyville VFD was called out to a field on fire.

to Hwy 96 and Cr 601 in Call. Kirbyville VFD was assisted by the Texas Forest Service.

Then at 1:06 p.m. today, Kirbyville was called out to 23388 Hwy 96 for a brush fire. Trout Creek assisted.

The Kirbyville fires combined covered approximately 5-6 acres.

Photos courtesy of KVFD Chief Greg Ellis


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