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Jasper County Commissioners Court

Sandi Saulsbury

The Jasper County Commissioners Court met in a very short Special Session on Friday, July 12, 2024 and renewed the local Declaration of Disaster for the Hurricane Beryl weather event that resulted in a tornado striking the City of Jasper and surrounding unincorporated areas, as well as straight-line winds and flooding in other parts of Jasper County.


Prior to the Court meeting, we received information from Congressman Brian Babin’s Office that Jasper County had received federal designation for Individual Assistance for our citizens that were affected by Hurricane Beryl.  The federal designation for this assistance is DR-4798-TX.


Currently the Disaster Recovery Center at the Jasper County Annex will be working with citizens on the April/May 2024 Disaster Flood Event whereby Jasper County received a federal disaster designation.  However, we have been advised that FEMA and Small Business Administration personnel at the Jasper County DRC will now also be taking applications from citizens that were affected by Hurricane Beryl as well.


For information regarding a need for tarps for temporary roof protection or other supplies, you can call my office at (409) 384-2612 to receive information on where distribution points are located.


That covers it for this Court meeting.  Be safe and please continue to pray for those who will be repairing and rebuilding after the storm.  As always, feel free to call me if you need anything my way.


Mark Allen, County Judge

Jasper County, Texas

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