Janet Ann Stoeckel 81 of Brookeland Obituary
A Celebration of Janet Ann Stoeckel’s Life, age 81, of Brookeland, Texas, will be 2:00 p.m., Saturday, March 9, 2024 at Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home in Jasper, Texas, with a private family burial to follow. The family invites everyone to join them at their house at 385 Shoreline Drive, Brookeland, Texas afterwards to help celebrate Janet’s life with a reception. Visitation will be 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. before the service at the funeral home.
Janet passed away peacefully on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Janet was a former Port Arthur resident and a longtime resident of Lake Sam Rayburn. She was a member of Rayburn Methodist Church and a member of the Ladies Auxiliary. Janet enjoyed gardening, visiting with her friends and helping to care for others. Most of all, she loved spending time with her children, especially her grandchildren.
Janet is survived by her sons, Dr. Mark Stoeckel of Austin, Texas, Scott Stoeckel and wife Laura of Friendswood, Texas and Peter Stoeckel and wife Megan of Brookeland, Texas; grandchildren, Berkleigh, Britton, Beckett, Elli, James, Abigail, Bennett and Emerson.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Richard and Lillian Schroll; husband of 53 years, Dr. James Allen Stoeckel; brothers, John Schroll and Dick Schroll.
Memorials may be made to the Rayburn Ladies Auxiliary, c/o Ginger Becker 132 Beechwood Drive, Brookeland, Texas 75931.
Services are under the direction of Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home of Jasper.
Saturday, March 9, 202412:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Funeral Service
Saturday, March 9, 20242:00 PM
Stringer and Griffin Funeral Home Jasper
JASPER, TX 75951