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How to increase emergency services in the ESD#3 District

Sandi Saulsbury

In the near future, one of the resolutions on the ballot for May is to implement a .02 cents on the dollar sales tax increase,in the ESD #3 District, not within Kirbyville township.

How Can You Help our Hometown Heroes?

It’s no secret that our local volunteer fire departments had quite the busy wildfire season. Nearly everyone in Jasper County was dangerously close to a fire at some point and if erratic weather patterns continue, we can expect more in the future.

Let’s give our support to our local firefighters by making sure they have quality, up-to-date equipment to help protect us and our property!

How? By voting for the resolution to increase the sales tax .02 cents on the dollar anywhere in the Emergency Services District #3 of Jasper County where it’s not at .0825 cents already (basically anywhere outside of Kirbyville or Buna townships).

When? May 4th at the Kirbyville High School Gym Foyer. Early voting will be held April 26th – 29th and April 29th – 30th at the KISD Superintendent’s Secretary’s office on Main Street.

Why? To provide our fire departments with needed equipment and possibly secure dedicated ambulance services.

It’s that simple! Short of volunteering to fight fires, this is great way to help our heroes help us.

Note: this is NOT a property tax increase. It’s simply a .02 cent sales tax increase for any areas in the Emergency Services District #3 that are not already at the .0825 cent sales tax rate (Buna and Kirbyville townships already are). It might not seem like much, but this additional revenue will really help our volunteer fire departments! Please mark it on your calendar and go vote YES!

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