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Sandi Saulsbury

Burby released statement regarding the transfer of inmates to Louisiana

December 18, 2023

Released by: Sheriff Burby

Transfer of Inmates to Louisiana

On December 14, 2023, we executed the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Jail Services in Beauregard Parish by transporting inmates to their facility to be housed. We now have 11 inmates in the Beauregard Parish facility.

I went along on one of the transports to meet with the Warden and his Command Staff, and to look over the facility.

On November 28, 2023, the Texas Jail Commission conducted a scheduled on-site inspection at our facility. On the date of the inspection, we had 20 Inmates on site, and 8 inmates housed in Jasper County Jail. The Jail Commission’s final inspection report documented that we were 6 inmates over our capacity and must make the necessary arrangements to reduce the total number not to exceed 14 in the Newton Jail.

We have since made the necessary arrangements by finding a facility to house our overflow when Jasper County cannot.

I stand firm in my commitment as Sheriff, to ensure those who commit crimes against our citizens are locked up. During my tenure as Sheriff, we have worked diligently to manage the jail population daily. Jail overcrowding is a major issue throughout the State of Texas, and we find that jail space is limited.

This Interlocal agreement will relieve the immediate issue but is not the overall remedy for our problem of jail


The cost to house our inmates in Beauregard Parish will be $60.00 per day per inmate, plus medical costs. Starting January 1st, 2024, we will pay $45.00 per day per inmate, plus medical costs to Jasper County. Why pay $60.00 when Jasper will be charging $45.00 beginning in January 2024?

While Jasper County has assisted us in many different facets over the years, especially regarding our jail management program, Jasper is

experiencing the same issues with overcrowding in their facility. Jasper is and will remain our first option when it comes to managing overflow in the jail.

There are many moving parts in managing our inmates, for instance, some are waiting to be sent to TDC, ISF, and in some cases, a designated mental facility. We must ensure that logistics are in place to meet those requirements.

As I toured the Louisiana facility, I thought of how much money Newton County could be saving in the long term, if we had such a facility. A bigger and updated jail is necessary to alleviate the many issues associated with our current jail situation.

I am asking for the public’s support regarding this in the future.

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