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13-year-old boy sworn in as an honorary Jasper Police Officer

Sandi Saulsbury

Everyone knows a little boy or girl who wants to be a police officer or firefighter when they grow up, but how many can say that they have actually been sworn in nearly 1,000 times and have a day named after them?

Devarjaye has and will continue to do so until he simply can't go any longer. In fact, December 12, 2024 has been named Devarjaye "DJ" Daniel day in Jasper.

As you continue your quest, we pray your miracle comes quickly and you will one day work in the capacity that you have always dreamed of.

Congratulations! We're rooting for you!

Press release explaining Devarjaye's illness and his never ending love for heros:

Devarjaye “DJ” Daniel was born in San Antonio, Texas but raised and lives in Houston, Texas. He is a very outspoken, bubbly, friendly, loving kind kid who was diagnosed with terminal brain and spine cancer. He has had 13 brain surgeries with advanced stages of cataracts. He was a study for a medicine that was approved through FDA. He’s been sworn in with over 905 law-enforcement agencies Local, State, Federal, international including firefighters Prosecutor offices, he’s a graduate of FBINA session 284 from the FBI Academy has been on the cover the Blue magazine. He’s been announced the Congressional floor by Congressman Troy Nehls in Washington, DC at U.S. Capital.

He has hundreds of proclamations for which he chooses to share with other people, I think his heart is bigger than his body. He’s been on just about any and every media outlet that you can think of. He’s standing here before you today because of the resilience, the tenacity and aggressive nature to want to fight this cancer all the way being kind, nice and thoughtful and humble anyone who meets him with him.

So, we still find time to think about other people let battle and let his battle against cancer and the pain that he endures and suffers be your guidance for your motivation to keep pursuing the joy of happiness and smile on your face, but we’ve got more days behind then in front of us.

He has 3 brand new tumors in his brain. That’s the last thing I needed to hear but of course Devarjaye was like “oh well what can we do about it? I’m not going to stop living, still got work to do.” Guess what? He still gives hugs, rubs ball heads for good luck, plays with kids, makes people feel warm, has some of the corniest jokes on earth but you can’t help but laugh. He just wants you to feel good. He doesn’t want to be a party pooper. He’s dedicated his life and its uphill battle to do that so. Devarjaye and his brothers, he’s going to continue this, endlessly journey until as he says his gas tank runs out and that’s when God calls him home. It kind of hits you deep in the heart when the kid acknowledges and understands what he’s up against, but he makes you think about your life to be great, inspirational, and give somebody a hug today.

Photos courtesy of ETB Sharpshooter Michelle Arnold

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